Speciality Work

Speciality Work

E-3 VISA Global Allianz Law firm LLP prepares and files all the required forms and documents for E-3 visa.

The new E-3 visa classification currently applies only to nationals of Australia as well as their spouses and children. This visa category is only for Australians going to the U.S. to work temporarily in a specialty occupation.

E-3 principal applicants must be going to the United States solely to work in a specialty occupation. The spouse and children need not be Australian citizens. However the U.S. does not recognize De Facto relationships or same-sex Civil Partnerships for the purposes of immigration. To qualify as a spouse you will need a marriage certificate from the Department of Births, Deaths and Marriages.

E-3 Visa is suitable for:- The E-3 visa is for nationals of the Commonwealth of Australia who wish to enter the US to perform services in a “specialty occupation.”

The term “specialty occupation” means an occupation that requires theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge, and attainment of a Bachelor’s or higher degree in the specific specialty (or its equivalent) as a minimum form entry into the occupation in the United States. Spouses of E-3 visa holders are entitled to work authorization.

  1. You must be an Australian citizen.
  2. You must have a legitimate offer of employment in the U.S.
  3. You must have the necessary academic or other qualifying credentials.
  4. The position you are coming to fill must qualify as specialty occupation employment.
  5. You must have an approved Labor Condition Application issued by Department of Labor.

E-3 VISA is offered to the Australian professionals seeking temporary work in the US and U.S. companies to bring in qualified foreign professionals from Australia for jobs that require a Bachelor’s degree and specialized skills.

555 Capitol Mall suite 1245
Sacramento, CA