Citizenship Through Naturalization

Citizenship Through Naturalization

Global Allianz Law Firm LLP has the expertise to file your application for applying for Citizenship through naturalization.

Naturalization is the acquisition of citizenship and nationality by somebody who was not a citizen or national of US when he or she was born. A Permanent Resident who is 18 years old or above the age of 18, and who meets all the requirements of Naturalization can get naturalized and obtain a naturalization certificate. The requirements for Naturalization are given below:

  1. A Permanent resident, who has been living in US for at least Five Years, can apply for naturalization.
  2. A Permanent Resident who has lived for at least three years as PR in US and then got married to a US citizen is eligible for Naturalization.
  3. Foreign nationals who have obtained permanent resident status through political asylum or are refugees and living in the U.S. as lawful permanent residents for at least four years.
  4. Certain Veterans of U.S. Armed Forces.
  5. Lawful Permanent Residents with three years U.S. Military Service.
  6. Veterans who have served the U.S. Military Service honourably in any of the periods of armed conflict with hostile foreign forces.
  7. Foreign nationals married to a U.S. citizen who died during a period of honourable active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces.
  8. Foreign nationals who served on a vessel operated by the U.S. government or a vessel registered in the U.S. and owned by a U.S. corporation or citizen, who have been lawful permanent residents for at least five years.
  9. Foreign national employees or individuals under contract to the U.S. Government, who have resided in the U.S. as lawful permanent residents for at least five years.
  10. Foreign nationals performing ministerial or priestly functions for a religious denomination or an interdenominational organization, who have resided in the U.S. as lawful permanent residents for at least five years.

Naturalization Test A specific test is to be taken and cleared by the applicant in order to grab the Naturalization Certificate after getting eligible for it. This very test includes:-

  1. English.
  2. History of United States and its Government.

US Citizenship through U.S. Parents
Child born to a U.S. Citizen in USA.

If you are a child born to a US Citizen, you automatically become a U.S. citizen. But, all the conditions mentioned below should be fulfilled:-

  1. You should be less than 18 years old.
  2. At least one of your parents should be a U.S. Citizen.
  3. You should be living in the legal custody of your U.S. Citizen parent outside United States.

Child born to a U.S. Citizen outside USA. You can claim your U.S. citizenship, even if you are a child born to a US Citizen outside USA. Besides this, all the under mentioned conditions should be fulfilled:-

  1. You should be less than 18 years old.
  2. At least one of your parents should be a U.S. Citizen.
  3. Your U.S. Citizen parent should have been present in the US physically for at least 5 Year.
  4. You should be living in the legal custody of your U.S. Citizen parent outside United States.

Eligibility Requirements for Naturalization
To become a naturalized US citizen, you must meet several general requirements including age, residence, presence, moral character, English language, U.S. history, etc. Below is a list of basic requirements for naturalization.

  1. You are a lawful permanent resident (green card holder);
  2. You have resided in the US as a LPR for at least 5 years, with no single absence from the US of more than one year. Absence of more than 6 months may restart the clock of counting Continuous Residence (Note that “resided” means “retained legal residence,” which is different than “physically present” in the following requirement);
  3. You have been physically present in the US for at least half of the last 5 years i.e. 30 months (“physically present” means you are actually in the U.S.);
  4. You have resided within a state or district for at least 3 months; you must be a person of good moral character (certain crimes such as aggravated felony, drug related, gambling offenses, prostitution, etc. will most likely disqualify an applicant).
  5. You can read, write, speak and understand Basic English.
  6. You have a basic knowledge of US history and government.
  7. You must show attachment to the principles of the Constitution.
  8. You should be living in the legal custody of your U.S. Citizen parent outside United States.

You may also apply for citizenship if:-

    1. You have been a lawful permanent resident for 3 years if you obtained LPR status based on a marriage to a U.S. citizen, and you have been married to and living with the same citizen for the past three years (Note that the 3-year period starts with the date your green card is approved, even if it is a conditional green card); or,
  1. You have served in the U.S. Armed Forces; or,
  2. . You belong to one of several groups eligible for naturalization (e.g. people who are nationals but not citizens).
555 Capitol Mall suite 1245
Sacramento, CA