Federal Criminal Defense

Federal Criminal Defense

Federal criminal defense pro represents those facing criminal charges for federal offences in California and throughout the United States. Federal criminal charges are serious and can carry stiff penalties.

Global Allianz deploy lawyers that aggressively prepare for each client’s case needs and are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to obtain absolute best results. Beyond extensive experience representing individuals charged with serious crimes in the state of California, our lawyers also bring their criminal defense expertise to the federal arena, successfully defending a range of clients charged with the most complex and serious crimes at the highest level. Our federal defense lawyers have the resources and know-how to meet tough federal cases head on and to obtain the best results for our clients. Our lawyers’ expertise as federal criminal defense attorneys stems from a wide range of experience.

As federal defense attorney, our lawyers understand the significant differences between state and federal criminal defense, and their expert knowledge covers the array of distinct rules that apply to federal criminal procedure, federal evidence and federal trial procedures. Our lawyers’ awareness of how federal courts operate as well as their up-to-date familiarity with recent Supreme Court rulings set them apart as California federal criminal defense attorney capable of making a significant impact on every trial’s outcome. With a string of successes as high-profile lawyers in the state of California, our lawyers are disposed to comfortably confront the toughest federal cases. Our lawyer’s tireless dedication and passion for defending their clients result in successful resolutions of even the most difficult federal white-collar criminal cases, including but not limited to:

  • Consumer fraud
  • Computer crimes
  • Check fraud
  • Business crimes
  • Wire and mail fraud
  • Weapons violations
  • Federal tax fraud
  • Environment law defense
  • Internet fraud
  • Money laundering
  • Forgery and kiting
  • Embezzlement and fraud
  • Health care fraud
  • Drug trafficking
  • Bank and securities fraud
  • Additional serious federal felonies.
555 Capitol Mall suite 1245
Sacramento, CA