An estate is a legally written document that explains how you want your assets divided upon your death. A will is a legal document drafted and executed in accordance with(by) State law that becomes irrevocable upon death. Many a times, a pour-over will is created along with living trusts in order to(to) avoid probate.
At Global Allianz, we strategize protection for children, spouses, businesses, and a wide array of special needs for each given circumstance of a client. Our lawyers will draft and devise your estate plan to help you prepare an estate plan that sets out your directives for the distribution of your assets to your family and friends. Our experienced lawyers examine and analyze property records and titling of all assets that will be included in the estate plan and raise issues and pitfalls with the client’s needs and wishes and work with the client after the estate plan has been created to properly move the assets to the trust or properly title beneficiaries on insurance policies, retirement accounts, etc. Our lawyers properly go through your documents to ensure that our clients have not missed any significant details.