White Collar Defense

White Collar Defense

White collar crimes are certain non-violent crimes, frequently financially motivated, that involve the wrongful taking of another’s money or property.

Fraud: A serious criminal offense involving deception and inducing others to act to their detriment, fraud has a range of classifications, each of which carries harsh consequences, whether charges are brought against an individual or a business. Our lawyers have particular experience defending against:

  • California real estate fraud cases.
  • Counterfeiting cases.

Embezzlement: A type of fraud concerning the betrayal of financial trust by one or more parties across a single or series of transactions, embezzlement in most California cases takes one of the two forms:

  • Employees who are accused of stealing from the business at which they work.
  • Professionals entrusted with financial responsibilities who are accused by their organizations of stealing or misappropriating funds.

Global Allianz deploy lawyers who have comprehensive knowledge. An experienced white-collar criminal defense lawyer from the law offices of Global Allianz will help you understand your legal rights, explore potential defenses and work diligently toward a quick and favorable resolution. Our lawyers are adept at handling cases involving:

  • Church, school or PTA employees or volunteers accused of wrongfully taking money or property.
  • Employees who allegedly abused their access to bank accounts or their check writing privileges.
  • Allegations of intermingling personal and business funds.

White collar criminal defense cases require patience, understanding and expertise. The California white-collar criminal defense attorneys at the Law office of Global Allianz stand ready to provide the time, dedication and proper defense your case requires. We have successfully resolved white collar criminal cases by the following means:

  • Satisfaction and accord.
  • Payment of restitution.
  • Avoiding criminal conviction.
555 Capitol Mall suite 1245
Sacramento, CA